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When you place an order on our website your name, address, telephone number and email address is collected on this website’s database and the database of PayPal, our payment gateway so that we may fulfil your order and communicate with you.


We do not receive your banking details, credit/debit card number, expiry date, card holder name, or any other information for payments made through our payment gateway - PayPal, which uses the post powerful Verisign secure socket layer (SSL) for encrypting customer data during transmission.


Cookies are small data files which are stored on your computer's hard drive when you visit a website. These cookies help web browsers to remember your preferences, and collect information about your usage patterns to help form a better and more personalised web experience. Usually, web browsers automatically accept cookies, however you can choose to modify your browser settings so you are notified when you are sent a cookie, and then you can choose to accept or decline it.


This website uses cookies and Google Analytics to track user interaction including the location, device, internet browser, operating system and number of visitors to this website. This information does not personally identify you to us, but we collect it so we can analyse the performance and user experience of this website.   


Disabling cookies on your internet browser will stop Google Analytics from tracking your visit to this website.


No personal information is contained in or collected as a result of using these cookies.


We make every effort to protect the privacy of our users and customers. Your online privacy and security is our priority, and we are committed to ensuring that you are protected. We will never disclose, sell, distribute or lease, personal information that you provide to us including your name, address, telephone number and email address.


If you choose sign up to our newsletter we will use your email address to send you emails with news of new product launches, events and promotions that may be of interest to you. If you sign up through the link on the homepage of this website, your email address will be stored on the website database.

Your email address will remain on the database/s until you request for it to be removed. You can remove your email address either by sending an email to from the email address that you wish to remove, or by clicking the unsubscribe link on all emails sent.

Handmade gifts online | Graphic design | Branding for small businesses

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